A sinners prayer of Hope
Praise God and give yourself to Jesus that you might celebrate His Glory in this wondrous day He has created for us. Set forth this day for great works in the Lord and be happy give not over to discouragement for it is His will you are now in; Give me strength, oh Lord to do your bidding for I feel the time, let me not fail you.Let us sing out praises to your name, let me sing out praises to your name, let me sing out praise; let me sing out praise, let me sing out praise to your name. Glory Hallelujah let me sing out praises to your name.
May the churches be filled with tears of joy, May churches be filled with tears of joy, May churches be filled with tears of joy. May the Christian of 40 years fall to his knees and accept his new heart. May the flood of Christians to the altar be as no man hath ever seen. Let the very foundation of earth quake in Glory as Christians amass to offer their hearts to God anew giving up all stones within. May the praises of your name from these new hearts be heard through eternity. May the flood of rejoicing and the flood of joy filled tears flood our churches as never before.
Oh what great rewards in the Spirit the Lord has for those who stay faithful to him in the new order coming. Our new hearts will bring forth a new out pouring of the Spirit you will know you’re walking hand in hand with our Sweet Jesus.
The new responsibility in the out pouring is awesome. Oh how I love Jesus these wondering’s I see, how great the Spirit of the Lord will be.
Our faiths will grow to giant size our believe in His gifts with a strong faith through us Jesus will bring multitudes to their knees in praise and worship. Eternity will echo the praises of His Great Glory and you and I can join its choir.
Praise God for His great love of man—Praise him higher for his love of you—for his gifts shall carry you to a world of wonder and faith. How great in all the Universe be the name Jesus. Our Father, Our Savior, Our Strength, Our guide to ever lasting life in Glory through his Sweet Name by his precious blood Our Sweet, Sweet Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, My redemption, oh how I praise the name Jesus. From the dessert to eternity He took that trip for you and me. Oh sweet Jesus how great your love that you stepped from the glory and peace of our God into the nature of man and drank from the cup of the absents of God that we may know God and His Glory and one day reunite. How great is thy love sweet Jesus, My Lord, My King, My Savior, Father of mankind, Prince of Princes Alpha and Omega My sweet sweet Jesus from whose blood I am born.
Pray for knowledge and understanding every hour of every day that you be ready when the pouring of the Spirit comes. Tune yourself into the Lord ---That’s GOD on your radio dial somewhere around OFF.
Fill your time with praise of Him or in fellowship with others in the faith, or giving your message to the land, your message to the world.
The out pouring will change the world there will be many seeking His name, many will want the source of your new joy; for you will walk with a peace and joy the world will envy and they will seek your source, Jesus. They will need strong Spiritual Parents when they take Jesus to their hearts. Understanding parents with no condemnation in their heart that the harvest grows strong in faith to sing of Jesus’ Glory.
Recondition your hearts for my sweet Jesus that you will yield to the Spirit of God rent your heart anew, sing your praises offer all to Jesus that He wash you clean renew yourself every day in the most powerful source on earth, The blood of Jesus. Your fresh anointing daily will increase the abundance of your gifts in the Spirit and this will be more pleasing to God; for he needs a freshly cleansed heart to do mighty works through the blood of Jesus and to Glory Jesus our Lord. Be strong in the Lord for that is His will for you.
Put on the love of God for the Son and the Son for the Father through the spirit of their love the Holy Spirit. Allow no bitterness or malice toward any man, harness all of your thoughts that they stay in prayer and praise. And trust in the great love God has for you, for you are the apple of His eye, His love for you is beyond any love you can imagine. May each word written minister to hearts somewhere, In the name above all names my precious precious Jesus….Amen
A Sinner’s Prayer for Pastors
Oh Most High, I am unworthy of your Glory. Surrounded by darkness your precious name on my lips seems insane.
I know in my heart it is the time of the calling—and I am unworthy—Let me pray for strength in the Spirit, as in my heart the following I wish to pray for.
First I pray for the Church.
Let all men test the spirits Lord, to know they are of service to you. Let them give up their hearts, go into retreat and become one with you Lord Inlikeness one to another. May their heart be so full of Jesus—The Holy Spirit can work all His work within them. Afterwards may each day be one filled with a time for praising your Gory—Mediation in the Word –Prayer for those in need –and work in the Holy Spirit. Your warriors need to be strong for Satan is strong and His Angels much more practiced in Spiritual Warfare.
At every flash of worldly thought, may his lips and heart take up the victory in your name Jesus and through Jesus blood. Remember always, God’s way has no confusion. If you have confusion, take it to the Lord, for it is not His way, and pray for the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus to end your confusion.
The days of the calling will be full of miracles, things even we never imagined and would only be possible through Christ Our Lord. NOT TRUE! Many miracles will be of the evil one to confuse God’s Army.
Confusion is like a sword of Satan Beware that your heart is true and washed in the blood of the lamb 24 hours a day. For the war has begun. Confusion is a tool of the evil one.
Thank God every day for your sound mind and the confusion will not beset you Many will fall to the trickery of Satan in these last days. Be not doubled minded. Keep only onto Calvary and His Word and Glory, in his Glory is your victory. Let not the pouring in of the Spirit work to a worldly fashion on your heart, for it’s for God’s warfare he bestows these gifts onto you—For His warfare not your prominence.
It is in man’s fashion to bloat up with self-importance. Carrying the wondrous gifts of the Lord you must pray for humility at every onset. Keep your hearts cleansed with the blood of the lamb—less your authority over things of the world be Satan’s key to your fall.
As men of God your authority will be greater than anything your mind can conceive. Maintaining your stature in God’s realm will take constant faith praise and humility. History has taught us men of great authority without temperance are the seeds of evil.
Satan has mastered trickery to a level our worldly bodies cannot conceive; without intercession of the Spirit, strength of the word and non-failingly Faith 24 hours a day. Even as you sleep have your spiritual clock set in your mind, less Satan slip into your temple---Awake and praise God he will send angels to insure your body rests as needed—He will protect you from even the thoughts you are not aware of –to build your warrior strength for the battle is at hand.
Churches of old shake your rafters clean your belfries. There will be those for God and those for the Antichrist only. All children of Our Lord Jesus will be filled with the Holy Ghost to direct their direction, and the Holy Spirit will insure their struggle is made a walk in victory. Free your will—renew your heart in Jesus completely, daily that the Holy Ghost can direct you in leading your Flock. Recommit daily yourself and take on the full armor of our Lord. To protect the great gifts the Lord will bestow on you now in the final times.
Now is the time of faith. Our faith and diligence will be tested sorely. Stay in our Great Master’s Love and Glory night and day.
Remember always “God resists the proud. But gives grace to the humble.”
Build your flocks to do the Lord’s work Saving Souls.
Remember always II Peter 1:1-9 For as we add to our faith we add to the Glory we can lift the name of our Lord Jesus up in with blessed assurance of the good work He will do within us.
Raise up a flock that will save souls Teach them to pursue the Holy Spirit, receive the Holy Spirit and teach them to walk in the Holy Spirit. Take up a banner to save Souls, leave the banners of the world to the worldly people. Satan has man given dominion in the earth. You have dominion from God through the Spirit to all souls, deal in Souls this is God’s Work….Bring as many as you can home to Our Beloved Jesus—King of Kings and Lord of Lords the Prince of Peace.
All of these things accept in prayer, I pray daily that the men of God prepare their souls and their flocks for a great out pouring and that they are ready for the warfare ahead. Lord Jesus, please hear the words of this sinner in prayer for our men of God and the church. I ask it in Jesus name that we work diligently that men of the word grow strong in the Word of God. My Sweet Sweet Jesus King of Kings, Lord of Lords, My redemption and my life The Lord Jesus Christ.
A sinner’s prayer for the Congregations
Note….the second prayer I write I also felt in the spirit of the Lord.
Lord please hear the prayer of this sinner for the congregation of Your House.
Be steadfast in your faith; there is great power in prayer.
Work on your salvation and work it out with God, Jesus wants you to give your heart totally unto Him, this includes everything in your life.
Any ill feeling you have toward anyone in your entire life…for every act of hurt against you…Remember that time to your Lord. Give every person and injury to Jesus He will teach you to forgive. No matter how many people there are--- take each onto the Lord---take every hurt to the Lord that he may work in your heart---God can show you the way to forgiveness—For God wants you to have no thought of malice toward any man less it be destructive to His work in your heart and mind.
God needs all of your heart and mind to do His bidding and bring those around you to His House. For you to be pure in heart that no one is turned away from the Church because of your doings.
Work your salvation out with fear and trembling. That you may do God’s bidding-
You are in Christ what your faith brings forth from you --- It is by your faith that God works—not by the Pastors faith --- but by your faith---your blessings, your healings, your gifts of the Spirit that the church grows. Always remembering to support the men of God you have submitted to with prayer and supplications.
Pray when he requests prayer, work when he requests labor. Pray and work to the Glory of God through Jesus Christ manifested in your heart---not for a higher seat in the Church.
Lead not your church to a crippling by arguments of Church Policy. Go in your closet and pray for your Pastor, elders and for yourself understanding. There is much power in Prayer---Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit and have faith that your prayers are answered; if you continue to have a problem take it to the elders or pastor. But be mindful of God’s Authority in His hierarchy.
Be a light unto the world---Let your light shine---so that those seeking God know you on sight. The greater your love of Jesus and His commandments with submission to His word the brighter your light will shine.
Be mindful to stay in His glory night and day—for you never know when the Lord will direct someone in need to you. Jesus poured the Holy Spirit on you to do his work. He will not send any repair work to you that he has not prepared you to repair. He knows your every strength and weakness in the Spirit.
Also be mindful to the needs of those you share the House of God with. Work not against any person. Work for unity in God’s House through faith and prayer. Enter not into discord in the house of God but fall to your knees and pray a sinner’s prayer. Be not a part of a house divided less you fall.
Be mindful to teach and counsel all those in trial or need, visit and pray with the ailing among you. Stand in agreement and prayer with your pastors and elders. Learn to trust in Jesus and His word do not fail to spend an adequate amount of time reading his word for your direction.
Confess your heart daily, remembering Christ crucified in all things. For it is through His blood we keep the mire of the world from attaching itself to us.
Keep your faith strong and yield to the Holy Spirit.
Be not self minded.
So we ask in Jesus name to stand steadfast for the Lord with a heart full of love and forgiveness working toward our salvation. Let us build our faith and live by it; to stay in meditation of the Word of God and yield our hearts to the Holy Spirit.
Be obedient to our leaders in the Word of God for the Grace of God. Let us not cause discord in the house of the Lord.
Let us stand strong in our faith vessels of the Holy Spirit to bring God’s Greatness to all those who dwell on earth. In Jesus name, thank you Jesus , I love you Jesus—King of Kings---Lord of Lords---Alpha and Omega of our lives---Our author in life May we always be led by the precious Word of God! Amen.
Now that is how I started after re-reading them I do not know if I am going forward or backwards in my writing. but in obiedance I post them....
If you would like to read more about a journey to learning forgiveness visit Take five with Arla's blog and read Adult Baptism.....
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